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Tuesday, October 15

10:00am EEST

FIAT/IFTA Executive Council Meeting (closed meeting)
Tuesday October 15, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am EEST
Closed meeting
Tuesday October 15, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am EEST
Hotel Sheraton Bucharest - Nevada Calea Dorobanți 5-7, București 010551, Rumanía

11:00am EEST

MORNING BREAK (Closed - EC Only)
Tuesday October 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am EEST
Tuesday October 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am EEST
Hotel Sheraton Bucarest Calea Dorobanți 5-7, București 010551, Rumanía

11:30am EEST

FIAT/IFTA Executive Council Meeting (closed meeting)
Tuesday October 15, 2024 11:30am - 1:00pm EEST
Closed meeting
Tuesday October 15, 2024 11:30am - 1:00pm EEST
Hotel Sheraton Bucharest - Nevada Calea Dorobanți 5-7, București 010551, Rumanía

1:00pm EEST

LUNCH BREAK (Closed - EC Only)
Tuesday October 15, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm EEST
Tuesday October 15, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm EEST
Hotel Sheraton Bucarest Calea Dorobanți 5-7, București 010551, Rumanía

2:30pm EEST

MMC Meeting (Observers welcomed)
Tuesday October 15, 2024 2:30pm - 4:30pm EEST
Details on how to attend TBA.
Tuesday October 15, 2024 2:30pm - 4:30pm EEST
Hotel Sheraton Bucharest - Florida Calea Dorobanți 5-7, București 010551, Rumanía

2:30pm EEST

MSC Meeting (Observers welcomed)
Tuesday October 15, 2024 2:30pm - 4:30pm EEST
Details on how to attend TBA.
Tuesday October 15, 2024 2:30pm - 4:30pm EEST
Hotel Sheraton Bucharest - Colorado Calea Dorobanți 5-7, București 010551, Rumanía

2:30pm EEST

PMC Meeting (Observers welcomed)
Tuesday October 15, 2024 2:30pm - 4:30pm EEST
Details on how to attend TBA.
Tuesday October 15, 2024 2:30pm - 4:30pm EEST
Hotel Sheraton Bucharest - Nevada Calea Dorobanți 5-7, București 010551, Rumanía

2:30pm EEST

VUC Meeting (Observers welcomed)
Tuesday October 15, 2024 2:30pm - 4:30pm EEST
Details on how to attend TBA.
Tuesday October 15, 2024 2:30pm - 4:30pm EEST
Hotel Sheraton Bucharest - Arizona

4:30pm EEST

AI and Copyright: An exploration of the legal aspects and use of AI
Tuesday October 15, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EEST
On behalf of the VUC, we would like to give a short presentation on AI, copyright and other legal/policy aspects (by Maartje Hülsenbeck) followed by a workshop with all interested members of FIAT/IFTA in this topic. We will pose questions on different AI and copyright related topics (see below) and present statements to the group to discuss.

The goal of this session is to provide information on AI and copyright and other legal aspects, as well as to gather insights by hearing from each organisation in which way they use AI and explore how this could be related to copyright and use, as well as exchange ideas on AI policies that organisations might already have or are considering to make. We will also be conducting a survey prior to the conference to e.g. get an impression of the fact if organisations already have policies on AI.

The VUC will convert the outcomes of the survey and the workshop in a report, as well as examples of AI policies some organisations might already have and are willing to share, and ultimately we will publish this on the FIAT/IFTA website.

We aim to provide a set of guiding principles for organisations to consider when implementing their own AI strategies when creating, archiving and re-using their content.

We would like to invite some people of the organisations we already know of that are more advanced in the use of AI to the Workshop, who would definitely join the session and bring their real experiences to the discussion.
avatar for Louise Broch

Louise Broch

Researcher and Archivist, DR
Louise Broch (1973), researcher and archivist, DR Archive, Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR):Louise has 20 years of experience with research and archiving in DR. Today she is a researcher in a cross-media task force that helps producers/journalists in DR with TV, radio, and text... Read More →
avatar for Dale Grayson

Dale Grayson

Managing director, Northbound TV
avatar for Maartje Hülsenbeck

Maartje Hülsenbeck

Copyright lawyer, Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision
Maartje Hülsenbeck is a lawyer specialising in copyright. She advises the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision on copyright issues that arise in managing the collection and making it accessible. She also conducts contract negotiations with various media- and copyright-related... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EEST
Hotel Sheraton Bucharest - Arizona

4:30pm EEST

Legacies of Television Archives in Eastern Europe
Tuesday October 15, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EEST
What is the legacy of television archives in Eastern Europe today? How does this legacy position these institutions as part of national and European cultural heritage and collective memory?

The workshop aims to raise questions that are relevant for broadcast archives across Eastern Europe, a region that has been recurrently defined through its communist past and approached by those within and outside the region primarily through its differences to Western archives.

In this workshop, good practices and challenges related to the re-use of TVR’s archival material and the clearing of rights of archival material will be discussed in order to rethink what constitutes the public value of television in the region, how television archives can stay relevant and how they can play a role in futureproofing public broadcasting.

These discussions will be contrasted with broader questions on how TVR and TVR archives can re-assert their role in collective national and European memory without being reduced to their communist past. Do broadcast institutions from the former communist Eastern Europe, such as TVR, still carry with them the stigma of past political regime and if so, how and by whom is that stigma maintained? How can the (re-)use of television archives offer solutions to help surpass limiting beliefs and reductionist understandings, which to the present day still guide the dialogue with and about public television and television archives in the region?

Through hands-on exercises and activities, this workshop invites attendees to think along of the unique positioning of television archives from the region as part of European cultural heritage. Attendees will also be invited to (self-)reflect on the prejudices and stereotyping that are recurrently brought to the table when engaging with broadcast institutions and broadcast archives from Eastern Europe and recognize the urgency with which such practices need to be rendered visible and addressed.

Dana Mustata

Professor, University of Groningen
Dana Mustata is Assistant Professor in Television and Audiovisual Culture at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. She has been a principal investigator on the research projects ‘Everyday Matters. Material Historiographies of Television in Cold War Contexts’ and ‘Television... Read More →
avatar for Claudia Nedelcu Duca

Claudia Nedelcu Duca

Producer, TVR
She is a producer in the Film Department of the Romanian Public Television.Her responsibilities include editorial and financial controlling of feature films and documentary slots.Claudia worked as a commissioning editor for the movie slots. She is producing a show dedicated to contemporary... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EEST
Hotel Sheraton Bucharest - Florida Calea Dorobanți 5-7, București 010551, Rumanía

4:30pm EEST

Preserving authenticity of media archive content: an open discussion
Tuesday October 15, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EEST
As a follow-up to the Preservation seminar organised in June entitled "Preserving authenticity of media archive content", this workshop will explore the findings and views of the seminar's participants, through the result of polls.

What really is authenticity? What's the role of the archive? Must we feel threatened?

Here's a chance to discuss these crucial matters.
avatar for Laurent Boch

Laurent Boch

Responsible of Research Projects Administration, Rai
Laurent Boch, graduated in Electronic Engineering in 1990 at “Politecnico di Torino”, has been working for RAI – Radiotelevisione Italiana since 1992, at the Centre for Research and Technological Innovation (CRITS). He has been involved in several EU funded project dealing with... Read More →
avatar for Etienne Marchand

Etienne Marchand

Multimedia Engineer, INA
Graduated from EICAR in 2008 after training as a sound engineer, Etienne Marchand has since been working on a great variety of archive documents - audio, video and film - and on every aspect of the technical workflows: assessment, cleaning and physical restoration of audiovisual carriers... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EEST
Hotel Sheraton Bucharest - Nevada Calea Dorobanți 5-7, București 010551, Rumanía

4:30pm EEST

Where are the disabled archivists?
Tuesday October 15, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EEST
Archival gaps and silences are often examined from the perspective of the content of a collection or the community it serves. Little work has been done on how these archival gaps and silences are felt within the profession itself. The disabled community has particularly felt this lack of professional self-reflection. Disabled archivist representation is quite low according to the little data that has been collected.

This workshop looks to work with conference participants on how to make their archival institutions a more accessible space for disabled archivists in the present and future. Michael shares his own experiences as a trained film archivist with epilepsy alongside his findings on accessibility gaps in moving image archival education.

Themes include programming, metadata, cataloguing, physical and digital accessible archival spaces, training, and equitable hiring practises. Each theme is introduced and contextualized within its current relationship to accessibility relating to pertinent concepts. Concepts outlined include, but are not limited to, trauma-informed archival practise, the person-centered archive, the care-centered archive, and universal design. Not only will these concepts be defined but will be used for strategic action items that institutions can take to make their own archive more accessible.

Michael will address questions, discuss strategies for inclusion, while also opening the floor to conference participants. The interactive nature of this workshop gives attendees the opportunity to share their own accessibility strategies, successes, and opportunities for improvement. A global conference allows for varying perspectives from countries that have different legislation relating to accessibility and the working environment. Collaboration is necessary to create a truly inclusive archival spaces for everyone.

Michael Marlatt

York University
Michael Marlatt is a Canadian disabled film archivist, archival accessibility consultant, and York University PhD candidate whose work focuses on disability inclusion in the audio/visual archival profession. He has worked on projects for the Toronto International Film Festival, CFMDC... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm EEST
Hotel Sheraton Bucharest - Colorado Calea Dorobanți 5-7, București 010551, Rumanía

7:00pm EEST

Opening Cocktail
Tuesday October 15, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm EEST
Opening Cocktail offered to the guests TVR and to the attendants of the FIAT/IFTA World Conference 2024.

Welcome messages by:
  • Brecht Declercq, President of FIAT/IFTA
avatar for Dan Cristian Turturica

Dan Cristian Turturica

President Director General of Romanian Television, TVR
On November 15th 2021, he was appointed the new president director general of Romania’s public television station, TVR. He has over 30 years of experience in written press and television. He began his career after the 1989 anti-communist uprising, at the Expres weekly. At the beginning... Read More →
avatar for Brecht Declercq

Brecht Declercq

President - Head of Archives, FIAT/IFTA - RSI
Brecht Declercq (MA, MSc) is the President of FIAT/IFTA, the world association of media archives, and Head of Archives at RSI, the public broadcasting of Italian-speaking Switzerland. From 2013 until 2022 he was responsible for the preservation of the Flemish audiovisual heritage... Read More →
Tuesday October 15, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm EEST
Romanian National Television Calea Dorobanți 191, București, Rumanía
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